The E-BOOST (ElectromoBility for the recOvery and internatiOnalisation of Small enTerprises) project is a transnational cluster project co-funded by the EU to establish a new meta-cluster on the topic of electromobility - from batteries to fuel cells - involving local SMEs and start-ups.
Short info
Project period: December 2022 - May 2025
Funding programme: The project is co-financed by the European Union from the COSME Programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and SMEs.
Project budget: Total EUR 1.38 million; of which EUR 700,000 for SMEs and start-ups via calls for proposals.
Project focus:
- Development of a European metacluster for electromobility.
- Promotion of products, services and innovative processes to strengthen entrepreneurial resilience, green and digital transformation, innovation and internationalisation of SMEs and start-ups.
- Establish a mentoring programme with training for clusters, SMEs and start-ups for workforce optimisation.
- Develop an internationalisation strategy to promote the development of new business areas and international cooperation.
Project partners
The project consortium consists of 6 partners from six different countries (Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain and Poland).
Project partners:
- Logistik-Initiative Hamburg, DE
- CAAR - Asociacion Clúster de Automoción de Aragón, ES
- DITECFER - Distretto per le Tecnologie Ferroviarie, l'Alta Velocità e la Sicurezza delle Reti S.c.ar.l, IT
- ANL - AutomotiveNL BV, NL
- CARA- Association CARA, FR
- ZNIK SP ZOO - Zarząd Nadbałtyckich Inicjatyw Klastrowych Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, PL
The Logistics Initiative Hamburg acts as work package leader in the project for the elaboration of a joint internationalisation strategy for SMEs.
Project contents & goals
The E-BOOST project aims to develop a dynamic and resilient European electric mobility ecosystem by supporting SMEs and start-ups in their transition to a greener and more digital economy.
The project includes a €700,000 funding scheme for SMEs and start-ups to strengthen their business resilience, green and digital transformation, innovation and internationalisation. The cascade funding consists of seven calls for proposals for innovative products, services and processes and market support services for SMEs and start-ups.
Furthermore, the individual work packages include the identification of the innovation needs of SMEs and start-ups in the EU, the development of business strategies, the training of employees in the field of electromobility, support in the search for international partners through cooperation agreements and the development of foreign markets. In addition, the project will develop a strategic internationalisation plan that includes a market analysis by country and political framework, a portfolio of services and matchmaking events.