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Hamburg Logistics Professorium

Networking of science and industry


Together with the KLU Kühne Logistics University, the Logistics Initiative Hamburg has created the Hamburg Logistics Professorium. The aim is to promote and tighten networking between the scientific community and with industry. Several times a year, the relevant professors from the Hamburg metropolitan region meet for this purpose.

1. Session - Constituent Assembly (November 2018)
2. Session - ITS, Digital Administration (April 2019)
3. Session - Drones (September 2019)
4. Session - Innovation Programme of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (February 2020)
5. Session - Impact of the transition to electromobility on freight flows within Germany (May 2020)
6. Session - Ad-hoc supply chains in the Corona crisis (September 2020)
7. Session - Urban Transition (January 2021)
8. Session - Centre for Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain (CSLS) (April 2021)
9. Session - EU FUNDINGs 2021-27 Horizon Europe & Interreg (September 2021)
10. Session - The Regional Innovation Strategy of the City of Hamburg (April 2022)
11. Session - Initiative "Hamburg Quantum Innovation Capital" & Project "Rymax One"(October 2022)
12. Session - A boat tour and visit to the HPA - Hamburg Port Authority AöR (April 2023)

Since 2024, meetings are no longer held according to a rigid numerical scheme. Instead, the Professorium has opened up to a new, more open format that offers space for spontaneous discussions, creative ideas and innovative approaches.


The competition is open to professors from the Hamburg metropolitan region who are involved in logistics in the broadest sense of the word in teaching and/or research. The invitations are personal and will be issued by LIHH and KLU. External guests will be invited by the organizers for individual dates.

If you have any questions about the professorship, please contact us. Should professors be missing from the list, we would also be pleased to receive your comments.


Members of the Professorium

Here you can find an overview of all participants in the logistics professorship.