Wide-ranging and up-to-date
Our monthly newsletter reaches almost 6,000 specialists and managers from the logistics and logistics-related service industry throughout the entire metropolitan region and beyond. In addition to current activities of the Logistics Initiative Hamburg, it also provides information on member news, politically relevant developments in Hamburg and event tips from the region.
Advertising banner
The newsletter offers space for the placement of individually designed advertising banners in two different formats. This can be booked both for a service and for an event notice. The placement of the banner depends on the category booked and includes a link to a destination specified by the customer.
Please contact Ms Ebelt for the dimensions and booking options.
Member news
Members of Logistik-Initiative Hamburg e.V. can take advantage of the offer to have their news placed in our newsletter free of charge. The newsletter offers space for a total of 3 news items. A prerequisite for the placement of member news in the LIHH newsletter is the inclusion of the LIHH in your respective press distribution list.
There is no claim to a regular placement, as the contents are randomly selected or topic-specific.